Hugs make the world go 'round.

About is a collection of Public Domainphotos and clipart images of (yep, you guessed it--HUGS). This means that the photos are free for you to download and use elsewhere. (please read through the information below for complete legal terms and conditions of use for these photos).

The gallery collections on this site contain images of people hugging people, animals hugging animals, people hugging animals, people hugging inatimate objects---and inatimate objects hugging inatimate objects! You will also find insightful quotes and informative articles about hugs, and a few other unique fun-hug-loving goodies.

Due to the graphics heavy nature of this page, the gallery may take a long time to load. Click on an image to preview it full size. To save an image to your computer, right click on the image and ‘save image as’ or "save as" to save it to your hard drive.

You may not directly link to the image itself (known as 'hotlinking') and must save it to your computer or device. Linking to the entire page that contains the image is acceptable, of course. If you decide to use several of the image found in one of the galleries, please include a link to the page (the url found in the address bar) where the image was found on your website or a link to the website homepage. We appreciate all referrals to the site and hope you will spread the word to others. Enjoy your visit and make sure you give someone or something (including yourself) a special hug today. :-)

Free Hug Pics | Public Domain Images

The term “public domain” refers to any creative material that is not protected by copyright, trademark, intellectual property or patent laws. A work is considered public domain if either the copyright has expired or has not been renewed by the originating author; or, if the work is dedicated to the public domain by the owner. Anyone is free to use a public domain work without obtaining direct permission, but no one can ever 'own it' because a public domain work technically belongs to the 'public' as a whole. (power to the people!)

While each individual work belongs to the public, any collection of public domain works may be protected by copyright law. If, for example, someone has collected public domain images in a book or on a website, such as this one, then the entire collection as they have been selected, organized and displayed in the new derivative creative work can be protectible even though individual images are not.

This unique gallery collection of photos as they are displayed on, including website design and graphics as a whole is a known as a “collective work” protected by copyright law. You are free to copy and use individual images found on this website, but copying and distributing the entire collection as a whole, or a majority of the photos found on this website (or displayed in any similar manner) infringes upon copyright law for creative collective or derivative works.

These individual images on this website are in the public domain (unless otherwise stated) and can be used or distributed in any manner either online or offline, but the image itself can not be sold. It may be given away and items or "collective works" made from these images can be sold without royalty or restriction. has made every resonable effort to ensure that all free photos displayed on the site and made available to download are in the public domain. The images in this collection were added in good faith and found to be in public domain status at the time they were published to this site; or, images were in copyright status which allowed for the use of these photos found on this site. can not be held responsible for inaccurate information pertaining to these images or if the stated copyright or public domain status found at the originating external source from which they were retrieved was in error, or if the copyright status of the images have changed since the original date of publishing to this site. can not be held accountable for the misuse or abuse of any resource found on this site. cannot be held responsible for any copyright violations under this disclaimer, and cannot guarantee the legality of the resources as stated in other jurisdictions outside of the United States.

All About Hugs
Learn all about the amazing health and healing benefits of hugs and the positive effects that hugging can have on the Mind, Body and Spirit, and other hug related factoids.